Sunday, April 30, 2023

 LoL hey look, after 12 years of nothing, I now blog that I have a YT channel about my all my hobby stuff!  It's growing!  And I am learning how to improve constantly, hop on board!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Assyrians I/59 DBA Army Painted 1/72 Plastics

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Figures:  Caesar 1/72 Plastics
Bases:  60mm wide Litko laser-cut 3mm plywood

Basing materials - sculpted and inked Spackle with hobby stones and dry grass glued on.  The stones are inked and dry-brushed and the pale green static grass is dry-brushed with Sulfurous Yellow.

 Painted mostly with Vallejo Game Colors Acrylics and ink washed with FW Artist's Inks.